Friday 18 September 2015

Tales from the rehearsal room floor: COMING UP -week 2

I hurt. It might be from moving a lot, or possibly (and more likely) laughing a lot. 

I thought last week was tiring...little did I know. Week 2 of rehearsals come to an end, and we're all feeling it. 

There are a number of set movement pieces in the show, so mostly this week we've been physicalising scenes, merging them together and getting a "flow" going. Literally non-stop moving. Think Brecht meets India. 

And of course working on a good old song number.  But don't worry, I'm not singing it. Your ears are safe.

Going through the scenes with lesser movement; we're briefly blocking them, knowing where we generally will be, and examining the script as we go. Really starting to build up the relationships between characters. If Coming up was a building, then this week has really been about laying some foundations. Albeit in a rather "spirit of chaos" way. Nothing is naturalistic here. 

But-- it's not all been exhaustively hard work. Oh nope. 

We're open to make choices, so for me that's a flag to play. And as an ensemble we've really played this week, meaning we've laughed a lot as well. 

Halfway through the rehearsal process now, so I look forward to more laughs next week. (And work!) 

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