Friday 26 August 2016

Paradise of The Assassins- Rehearsal Blog- Week 2

"They believed they'd stumbled on Paradise"- Zamurrud

Don't believe it, know you've stumbled on our end of week 2, and we're going at a lick. The whole play has now been roughly plotted. If this was the making of a trifle, then we've now completed the sponge layer. (One for all the GBBO fans out there)- and now its time to move on the the fruit layer. (Maybe the lady fingers and mince layer-#Friends)

In addition to this, we've been singing/warbling away; been papped by a rehearsal photographer & filmed a short trailer. 
Both pics and video coming your way very soon. All this, on top of battling a rather exhausting heat. Phew!

I mentioned in last week's blog about the piece being resonant today, and as we've delved further into the play, its clear to see where the parallels lie.

Our man, Hussain, in order to be reunited with his love, is converted to an extreme sect of a religion that controls his actions, and makes him commit some horrendous crimes. All with the promise of seeing Zamurrud again. He in effect, becomes an Assassin. Controlled by a trio of masters.

In my opinion, this element of the story smacks of how people might get lured into extremism. Controversial I know, but seeing as the book this is based on was written in the 1800s- this idealism/extremism has never been a new thing. 
Certainly, it will make you think.

But fear not- the piece is not all so serious. One of our characters, Mustafa (played by Ralph Birtwell) gets to sing a solo number. In rehearsal this week, it was decided that 3 of us would act as backing to his song. Backing dancers, quite possibly, in the vein of The Supremes.

Now in my defence, all we did was copy Ralph's actions as he sang the song. Very aware that the rest of the room were pretty much in tears with laughter. 

It comes as no surprise then, that the director's immediate response was "Lets cut The Supremes" #RIPHouriSupremes (Thank god no one took a photo of it....)

Guess this is one of the joys, in the rehearsal we'll do things that will never make it into the actual show. An experiment, that sometimes just goes wrong.

Anyway- onwards to the next week. The bank holiday gap may be 3 days, but we've all to have our lines learnt by the time we come back. Bye bye rest. 

We open from 15th Sept, run til 8th Oct - You can find all details and ticket booking here:

Tweet us using #AssassinsParadise @Tara_Arts
Until next week!

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